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Saturday, December 27, 2014

On 12:09 AM by Unknown   No comments
         Do you know the difference between intellectual critism and a blast mockery? Well, syariah law does. In Islam, there's a distinctive difference between them though it is largley imperceptible. And well, Western especially , perceive syariah law as barbaric, rigid and irrevocable once passed, but it really is not, seriously. It is just like any other legal tradition that aims are justice and equality for all. But like any other legal tradition, they are also exposed to corruption and misconduct. ( maybe we should discuss more about syariah law other time)

          Okay back to my initial question, intellectual critism ? They are allowed for one primary reason. They behaved as a constructive critics. When you have someone to pinpoint your mistakes and brought them to perspective, you should thanked them. At least they care enough to help you address your weaknesses, and now knowing it gives you opportunity to make it up to it. In social psychology , there's a phenomenon called groupthinking where all the members of a group got caught up with their unique internal logic, in time it grows stronger and polarized, until they looses diversity and ends up making fiasco. That's why you will find in history unified parties that once were so great suddenly slowly their influence withered. They looses their momentum because they lacks one crucial criteria that always keeps thing progressing, diversity, in opinions and ideas.
          The great Umar al-Khattab, the second caliph of Islamic civilization, were once criticized by a drunken man. Amazingly, despite the sinning state of that man, he accepted his critics and move on without a single sign of rejection. When asked for explanation, Umar answered that in the man's comment there's a truth and thats's the one should be valued. A critism should not be measured in relation to the speaker, but only to the merit of what he is saying. If a man in his position can wisely accept critism, then we should have the humility to receive one too.

          Another lesson to be learned is that, giving advise to someone is encouraged despite the fact we ourselves are engaged in the sin. This is not hypocrisy. This is Islam telling you advice is important. The advice might not help you who are already trapped in the incorrigible sin, but it surely will be benefial to thwart them far from ever desire the sin.
        When you share your knowledge, belief,  weltanchauung or worldview with someone like-minded, it definitely grew stronger and you become more passionate. A release of pleasure thats strengthen the relating neural connection. You are experiencing group polarization. This will lead to groupthinking if they are not well handled.

         I'm sure you have heard the term reverse psychology. It exist, I will not argue that, but do they constitute intellectual critism? Let me make it clearer, reverse psychology is, for example, you insult someone in attempt to make them response positively to prove you're wrong. But this method solely depends on the character of the receiver, what if he/she has a faint-heart? It might send them a shock and completely shatter their self-confidence. Well that's not so intellectual but rather looking 50-50 of destroying one's emotion or the other.


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