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Friday, December 26, 2014

On 5:14 AM by Unknown   No comments
           We have outstandingly amazing warriors that have flourish throughout history as an ever-lasting source of inspiration. Their fighting spirit resembles the true power of the human will. They continue to provide motivation for incoming achievers, their fearless nature in embracing conflicts and taking devastating risk and coming out victorious had been a major quote for businessmen, politicians, students and any person who wills to fight their pedestrian fate and grab success.

           Alexander The Great was indeed all-deserving of the title. Imagine, a man who empowers the overall ability of a true leader, an intellectual privately tutored by the greatest philosopher of ancient history, and a soldier trained under the Philip 2 army. He leads his own army  into wars, subdued all nation that he wage conquer, and at all time maintain conciliatory posture facing the defeated. He did not succumb to cruelty and misuse of power, though he possesed the greatest power that stretch out over lands that seems borderless for a man to traverse.

           He dreams to conquer the whole world. In his empire, he manage to unite the people, foster  the mergence of the west and east culture to form Hellenistic culture, and exchange weltanchauung or world view of Greeks and the Persians. He was far-sighted, man with vision, he denied peace treaty offered by the Persian tyrant, he continued his conquest and liberate the lands under oppression. He manage to accomplish this military feat only at the age twenty four.

          But there's another man. A man that bested Alexander The Great in battlefield. Alexander was a witty warrior, but Khalid al-Walid was unchallengable in his fighting prowess. Khalid was recorded to participate in nearly 100 battle, in which he suffers great injury, but there's no worldly pain that can take his life away. He died a sick man on his deathbed. Though he pursue martydom for his entire Muslim life, he only manage to massacre his body but life remain fierce in him. Stories tells he cried on his deathbed, regret that he did not die a marty. But God raised him with the title 'Saifullah' ,literally translated as The Sword Of God. Upon reflection, it is only fitted that The Sword Of God shall never fail in battlefield, as he never did.

          Khalid al-Walid and Alexander will forever remain intact in our heart, I want to be just like them in my life. Man who was respected by fellow companions, and feared by their enemies.


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