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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

On 8:10 AM by Unknown   No comments

Attention works much like a muscle: use it poorly and it can wither; work it well and it grow.In Focus by psychologist and journalist Daniel Golemen contends that in this era of modern technology and era of distractions,we must learn to sharpen focus if we  are to thrive in complex world.He discover attention research in three catogories: inner,other, and outer.

Inner focus
Inner” focus refers to self-awareness and self-management: how well we can tune in to our guiding values, for instance, or know our strengths and limits – which in turn gives us a realistic sense of self-confidence—and also handle our distressing emotions so they don’t interfere with getting things done, marshal our positive emotions to stay motivated in working toward out goals, and bounce back from setbacks.  

Other focus
“Other” focus describes how well we attune to people: our empathy, which allows us to understand how people perceive things, how they feel, and what we can do to help them be at their best. And tuning in to others this way provides the basis for skill in competencies like motivating employees, persuasion and influence, negotiation and conflict resolution, and — increasingly important – teamwork and collaboration. 

Outer focus
“Outer” focus has to do with how well we can sense the large forces that shape our world – whether organizational dynamics, like whose opinion matters most for a decision, or economic forces such as how a new technology will roil a market, or environmental trends like the new value placed on lower-carbon processes. Outer awareness allows a leader, for example, to formulate a winning strategy that anticipates what’s coming.


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