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Friday, October 17, 2014

On 1:38 PM by Unknown   1 comment
        Effort . I have struggle for UPSR. Scan books into my head for PMR, fall sick studying hard for SPM, but was all that worth it? Worth awhile i would say but not anymore. Some might point out, if i didnt get 5A's for UPSR i wouldn't get admitted into the best secondary school in Port Dickson, then i wouldn't get 8A's for PMR which got me into first class in upper secondary, which pressurized and push me into getting 7A+  3A's for  SPM and consequently got me a sponsorship to further studies abroad. They have a point to hammer home . Im not trying to brag here but i don't feel the knowledge and the education. I felt the achievement and the happiness of getting awarded though, but deep inside i know the truth that i was nothing but a guy who work hard, who burnt the midnight oil, wasted tons of papers writing notes and pasted it on the wall, and squander precious time on books which no further help me in my life and yet failed to feel the education . And now im in Intec doing my foundation for 2 years before hopely succeeded to be qualified and be accepted into the university in United States .

         Time and Dreams. I have change the motives of my education. Im not studying for marks any longer, i wont spend time on books just to score exam papers, quizzes and test (apparently currently i have 3 types of pressure cooker). Im building and carving the foundation of my life not my studies, I own my hourglass time not to exam, not to impress teachers and friends, just solely to my heed and my dreams. I regretted spending more time on studies than my dreams. Studies is just a tool, a mean to achieve your dream. Imagine a knife, it is created to cut through something, to make a hole, but if you keep on and on sharpening the knife just so it works better, eventually you will find out that while you were working on getting it sharp the thing that you want to cut had harden through time. If you had started cutting from the beginning, you would have make a bigger hole by now. We wasted our time on studying too much when what we should do is get into action already. Take lesson from our elders, they themselves like us now had previously study for 20 difficult years average and still have a hard time performing their job because that 25 years is 25 years of wasted time doing delaying things and most of them are against their real passion although they have succeeded theoritically in exam but reality is different. You are not going to work for papers anymore, you are gonna  deal with humans which are full of emotion and are judgemental. Dont waste your time anymore! Work for you dreams and heed your life, if your are not gonna build you dream, someone else are gonna use you to build theirs!

          Lifeworth.  I am currently forced to study computer science;  what the definition of output and input, memorizing how a hard drive works, how wires and communication devices speak to each other through standards and protocols. What is all this? I know i will not remember even the slightest of them after the semester ends, but i have to study it just to pass and get to the second semester. I am adding knowledge into my brain, but they are piling up in the future-trashbin department not in the future-might-be-useful department nor near future-useful department. How is that education? I acknowledge that there are some domains that although might not have input in my dreams but will be quite useful in life. For example religion and language studies, These are the types that would be life-worth studies! Sadly, most college students are required to give an amounting focus on  worth-awhile studies: studies that usually serves just as a complement to our CGPA. They are time-consuming and unnecessary.  

        Life and Stress. Man can move mountain. There is actually  a man who manage to move a mountain, im not joking, he single-handedly move a huge hill using just shovel, his name is Dashrath Manjhi. Before I proceed, I would like to suggest you to subscribe Sully Breeze , a youtube channel. I find it really amusing, motivational, inspiring and eye-opening. I am trying to enjoy what im doing in Intec. This blog is a fruit of my assignment and I make use of it as much as I can. I write journal too which part of my writing-assignment. I avoid as much stress as i can. My Precalculus and Computer Science results are not really satisfactory, and I know this change im trying to make will affect my results. But I wont succumb to this fear of change. Seeing my college-mates stressing over the exam and test compels me to write this article. We have the responsibility to be the best, yes i dont deny that fact, but the best is enjoying what you do while  producing good outcomes. 

         My Passion. Is to make myself significant in this seemingly impersonal universe. I dont want to live a normal life. I refuse to live a mundane life, i will fight for my rights to live my life to the fullest while making significant changes to the world and carve my name in the wall of honor and in the pages of history.  And my struggle ends here. I wont call this pursuit a struggle. From now onwards, there are no stress and no studying but learning, and enjoying.
 Study+dying= Studying. Learn+earning= Learning. Choose wisely. 




1 comment:

  1. Well said, I love your thoughts! Keep on the updates, I will always support you guys :)
